Featured Customer: Worthington Educational Foundation

website design worthington educational foundation after

The board members of the Worthington Educational Foundation came to SiteInSight because they wanted a more attractive website that could function as a center for grant applications, as well as an explanation of what the foundation does. Because the WEF is a volunteer-run organization, the website needed to be affordable and easy for the board members to update. We built the WEF a website on WordPress that has a password-protected page for grant applications, a submittable online form, a gallery of board members and their biographies, as well as a modern, clean look.

We also arranged for a classroom-style training for their board members to learn how to use and update the site, at no additional cost, and we hosted the training session at the conference room above our offices.

Here is the old WEF site, which was traditional looking, did not display well on mobile devices, and had what we call a “fake blog” where there is a news page with current events, but each event is not a singular piece of content with its own date and shareable URL, which severely diminishes the utility of a blog page.




The new site we created for them has a full-service blog, featured posts on the homepage, image galleries, board profile, password-protected pages, online fillable forms and a Contact Page. You can click around on the new site at www.worthingtoneducationalfoundation.com.




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