What We’re Reading This Month: Getting Things Done – The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

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Each month or two, our team reads a book together and discusses it as a group.

This month we’re reading, “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.” As always, we find that what we learn helps us, and also helps our clients. Because we are a small business, too, we often integrate tips and new processes into our work lives quickly. When they work well and we are consulting with a client who has a similar challenge, it’s easy to recommend a solution that has worked for us.

That’s what makes SiteInSight more than just a web design company. We know it’s not easy to make a business run well, and we want our clients to succeed … not just because they have an awesome website.

If you’d like to join us in reading this book and attending our book discussion lunch, please drop a note to Alice at alice@siteinsight.com and we’ll get you an invitation.

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