Featured Client: Jewish Columbus

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Jewish Columbus came to SiteInSight with a big project:

  • Redesign their website to better blend the two nonprofits that had become one (The Jewish Federation of Columbus and Columbus Jewish Foundation).
  • Appeal to donors, community members, young people and families.
  • Make navigation easy for people navigating the large site, while highlighting the actions the nonprofit wants to promote, such as donations and events.

The project was no small task, and SiteInSight was up to the job. We held meetings with almost every department within the organization, brought in additional partner resources where needed to support additional graphic design as well as merchant transaction processing. We stayed in communication, managed the project, and never took our eyes off the ball.

The finished product is not only beautiful, but highly functional. The program team is able to create events with online registration, even when the events are very complex, with VIP tickets or special questions that need to be asked of each registrant. The finance team is better able to see and process donations, with more ease of use for them and a better donation experience for the person making the gift.

We love working with nonprofits, and we understand their complexities, idiosyncrasies and multiple audiences.

We are also honored to have the trust of organizations that accomplish amazing good in our communities.

Before and After

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