Featured Nonprofit Customer: Northwest Kiwanis

website design northwest kiwanis

The Northwest Kiwanis club was one of SiteInSight’s first customers. When we first met representatives from this community service club in the Upper Arlington area, we were amazed anyone could find anything on their web site. Despite operating a large and complex soccer league in the community, the club’s website had languished, and images and text were overlapping each other and pages were full of errors and outdated text.

We built the club a new website on the WordPress platform, and helped various volunteer leaders of the club learn to use the aspects of the site, such as the homepage news blog that automatically pushes out an email newsletter containing the latest articles.

Alas, after five years, the site began to decline and experience problems, which is normal for any website. The club leaders liked the appearance of the site and didn’t want to see a change, but acknowledged that the functionality was beginning to break, and more and more parents wanted to interact with the site on mobile when inquiring about the soccer league. We redesigned the site in a new, mobile-friendly format, but we did so in such a way that the change was hardly noticeable. The old site and the new site are almost indistinguishable at first glance on a desktop computer. On a smartphone or tablet, however, the new site is easy and beautiful. Can you tell the difference in the designs below? Visit the new site at www.northwestkiwanis.com.

Website before.
Website after, now mobile-friendly!
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