“My website isn’t showing up in Google. What’s wrong?”

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InsideCirclePicThere is a lot of mystery surrounding why any given site is first on Google, and another is buried on page 16 of the search results. 

For small businesses, the game is even more difficult. 

Without the resources to blog frequently, create links back to their site on social media, and use other strategies for generating traffic, small business owners depend on people finding them in web searches. If you are one of them, you may have said to yourself, “My website isn’t showing up in Google! What’s wrong?”

There are definitely some affordable strategies to at least make your business pop up on Google when someone is searching for it by name. SiteInSight can easily help you there, for a very small investment that will quickly pay for itself. When someone is searching for your business by name, they already know and like you! All you have to do is make it easy for them to find your phone number or email, and the sale already made.

If you want strangers to find you when they are searching for someone in your industry, that task requires more time and effort. For example, if you are a plumber and you want your site to show up on the first page of Google for “plumbers Columbus Ohio,” you will either need to spend some time working on your website, or you will need to enlist some outside help.

How does Google decide which results to display?

Google and other search engines work harder and harder every day to make sure “spammy” websites do not crowd out good search results.

So you need to make sure your site doesn’t look spammy.

That means:

  • a clean design,
  • original content,
  • links to and from trusted sites
  • good coding that highlights the subject areas important to your customers
  • “freshness” (new, dated content, preferably blog posts)
  • following the rules, such as using Google’s rel=author tag and other tricks

The days of copying every keyword in the dictionary and every city and state in the country onto the bottom of your “links” page are over. These strategies not only don’t work anymore, they make Google think you are trying to trick people. And Google punishes black hat tactics.

Improving search ranking using Good Guy methods

At the end of the day, most businesses don’t have time to create original content and push it out to customers, friends and strangers to create site traffic and boost Google search ranking. That’s why we started our company. We believe in giving small businesses a fighting chance against the big guys on the search engines. We build systems that allow you to push out as much content with as little effort as possible.

We are a small business ourselves, so when we call something “affordable,” we actually mean affordable for the business owner who is struggling to make payroll and trying to pay their insurance premiums while funding their child’s college education.

We’re serious about providing a service that will bring you more business.

We have the numbers to prove it. You’ll increase your business and our services will pay for themselves. Give us a call, or try the above strategies for yourself!

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