Content. That stuff you should add to your website. Regularly.

website design

Most businesses want to grow and add customers, and they wish those new customers would magically find them on the Internet, while they are searching Google and are in the mindset to make a purchase. While unlikely to happen on its own, such an “inbound marketing” strategy can work wonders. Rather than interrupting people with advertisements, wait until they are looking for you, and then pop up in the search results.

There are as many ways to improve search ranking as there are guesses about how Google works. Some tactics are great. Some are slimy and will eventually bring you punishment by the overlords of the search algorithm.

An online strategy that works

One way that has worked for a long time and is very likely to continue working is to publish new content to your website on a regular basis, and then push that content out to your social media accounts and subscribers to your email newsletter. (In fact, if you are reading this right now, it’s probably because you subscribe to our newsletter or you saw it on social media. We know that we aren’t so amazing that you readers are visiting our blog every morning just to check…)

Most small businesses find it difficult to publish new content to their websites regularly. Often it’s because they are much better at their own craft than they are at writing, or they are overwhelmed running a business and don’t have time to type out an article once or twice a month.

We know you are too busy…

SiteInSight offers a number of services to make keeping up with content an affordable possibility.

For organizations who can type up an article and email it over, we will post it to your website and optimize it for the keywords that are likely to drive business to you. We can also set up your website so that each website new article automatically publishes a link to itself on your social media accounts, and compiles itself into an email newsletter for your customers.

Other companies just need a little push, and we can help by putting together a calendar of upcoming article ideas, complete with deadlines, suggested photos or graphics, and targeted keywords.

In many cases, the staff and leadership of a company know what their customers want to read about, and they know what is hot in their industry. They just don’t have the time or inclination to put together a well-written piece, find a photo to go with it, and add it to the website. That’s where our writing staff comes in. Our CEO, Alice Foeller, graduated from journalism school at Northwestern University and worked as a newspaper reporter for a decade. We have additional writers on our team, too, who can interview our customers for 10 to 15 minutes and put together a professional piece for the web, social media and email.

Two decades later:

Way back in 1996, Bill Gates was saying, “Content is king.” Well, it’s 2016 (that’s 20 years later!), and content is still king. If you are producing readable articles on your website with regularity, and pushing them out on the correct channels for your customers to find them, you will drive more business to your organization. We know from experience. Our customers who hold the top positions on Google for their niche are the ones who add news articles to their website with regularity, using our proven system.

Get in touch today if you are interested in our writing services.

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