Featured Client: Hocking Hills Canoe Livery

website design hocking hills canoe livery after

Hocking Hills Canoe Livery is in a competitive environment, with many recreational opportunities competing for attention in the Hocking Hills region of Ohio.

The owners of the Hocking Hills Canoe Livery knew they provided superior service and amenities, but their website didn’t look as good as the competition, and they weren’t ranking as high in Google search.

Also, their homepage slideshow was built in Flash player and didn’t work on a lot of Apple devices for that reason.

The image on the left shows their old site, and on the right (or underneath, depending on your device) is the new site.










The new site looks great on a mobile device, which is important to this client because most of their customers are on vacation, and unlikely to have a full-sized computer screen.

The homepage is a “one-page” design, but the large amount of content on the site necessitated a variety of buttons linking to interior pages, which we standardized for ease of use. We also helped them think about the way they name things, and whether those names are useful to customers. For example, we recommended naming one of the main buttons “Hours” instead of “Livery Schedule.”

Take a peek: www.hockingriver.com

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