Featured Client: Law Firm Website

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SiteInSight was thrilled to work with Richard Taps Law, a law firm that focuses on senior law, estate planning, and Medicaid planning. The firm is led by Richard Taps, an experienced attorney who has built up a client base over the years, and has been helping to market his firm by hosting an educational workshop each year, and publishing a reference book to accompany it. In many partnerships, the senior partners are hesitant to spend anything on marketing, since they want to pare down expenses and increase profits as they look toward retirement. Frequently the younger partners need marketing support, but can’t convince the senior partners (who already have plenty of clients) to invest in it. Well, this usual story was turned on its head with Richard Taps. Richard, instead of trying to preserve his own profits, met with SiteInSight because he was intent on building up a healthy practice with a sound marketing strategy to hand off to the younger members of his firm.

When we first met, Richard Taps Law owned the domains OhioSeniorLaw.com TapsLaw.com and had great materials, but the existing website was showing its age, and didn’t have the structure that would help it compete in Google search ranking over time.

SiteInSight built a new website for the law firm, engaging with the partners to choose photos that reflected their clientele. We also built an easier-to-use section for conference registration, and structured the pages so the information about the conference could easily be hidden after the event, but saved for use again the following year.

The younger attorneys at the firm are energized about using the blog to publish educational information about estate law, and SiteInSight is looking forward to partnering with them to optimize those articles for search, and create a newsletter from them, to help the firm stay top-of-mind with previous clients and other companies and firms that refer business.

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