Featured Client: Wedding Venue Website

tall timbers

Tall Timbers is a wedding and event venue just outside Columbus to the northeast.

Naturally for anything having to do with weddings, image is everything. An excited bride clicking through venue websites can’t help but judge each venue based on its website.

In the case of Tall Timbers, that was working against them. Their website was not only outdated, but it contained a number of non-matching fonts and styles, and mixed corporate event and wedding information in a number of confusing categories, relying on downloadable PDFs to convey information, which made it hard to update and complicated to use on a mobile device.

SiteInSight stepped in with a makeover, not only converting the site to a new design, but also helping to reorganize the information in a more friendly way for new brides. We gave the most flattering photos the center stage on the homepage, and rearranged the navigation menu.

In addition, we’ve remained available to maintain and backup the website, and to provide training to the Tall Timbers staff, who are able to add news articles and update pricing.

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